Wednesday, December 3, 2008

10/31/08 Stanford

In this podcast it discusses the growth learner and the fixed learner. The growth learner is one who believes that learning is a continual process and that it is okay not to know everything. The fixed learner is one who thinks that because they have learned a set amount on a subject, they know the subject.

The podcast discusses a study done where some students are given study skills in fixed learning process and another group taught growth learning. The growth learners performed better because they were motivated to learn. The fixed learners did not perform as well because even though they were given the skills to perform well they lacked motivation.

I believe that growth learning is important for a successful life in today's society. Our world is changing so fast and to be successful an individual must be able to be flexible and grown and continually learn to keep up with the latest technology.

I can use the growth learner concept in my classroom to teach kids that it is okay to not know everything, but develop the desire in my students to want to learn and to make learning fun. This can be done by making academic concepts real for my students and apply them to everyday life.