Wednesday, December 3, 2008

11/21/08 Duke University CDS

I listened to Looking Back: 9/11 Across America : An Acoustic Exhibit Presenting American Voices in the Aftermath of Attack. This can be accessed through Duke University's Center for Documentary Studies.

In this podcast many different Americans are interviewed and share their experiences on the events that happened to them on 09/11/2001. There are bits of people sharing their experience. You can hear in the voices the realness of what they experienced. In all of the different people talking you can hear the emotion in their voice. While listening to them it is hard not to think of your own experiences and how they affected you on that day and the days to follow.

This podcasts and similar podcasts would be a great tool in the classroom to show students viewpoints from other individuals and to show them that they are not alone in their thought process. It can also be away to facilitate group discussions on issues and/or promote creative writing assignments so that students can express their opinions and thoughts.